Revista Intelligence Info, Volumul 3, Numărul 2, Iunie 2024
Controlul democratic al serviciilor de informații. Studiu de caz: Belgia

Țolea, Oana-Melisa (2024), Controlul democratic al serviciilor de informații. Studiu de caz: Belgia, Intelligence Info, 3:2, 73-82,   Democratic Control of Intelligence Services. Case Study: Belgium Abstract This text examines democratic control of intelligence services, with a focus on the case study of Belgium. Starting with defining intelligence and its role in national security, the text reviews the evolution of democratic control over these services, both in the USA and Europe, highlighting changes driven by events such as scandals … Citeşte mai mult

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Revista Intelligence Info, Volumul 2, Numărul 2, Iunie 2023
Mecanisme de control democratic al activității serviciilor de informații

Tănase, Tiberiu (2023), Mecanisme de control democratic al activității serviciilor de informații, Intelligence Info, 2:2, 56-66,   Mechanisms of democratic control of the activity of intelligence agencies Abstract The comparative analysis of the different mechanisms of parliamentary control or supervision of the intelligence activity highlights the analogies, but also the differences, due to the political systems and legislative acts that underpin this activity. The initiative to establish democratic control mechanisms over secret intelligence activity belongs to the U.S. Later, … Citeşte mai mult

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