Distincțiile și activitatea în străinătate a generalului Gheorghe Ștefan Liteanu

Macovei, Remus (2024), Distincțiile și activitatea în străinătate a generalului Gheorghe Ștefan Liteanu, Intelligence Info, 4:1, https://www.intelligenceinfo.org/distinctiile-si-activitatea-in-strainatate-a-generalului-gheorghe-stefan-liteanu/   The distinctions and activity abroad of General Gheorghe Ștefan Liteanu Abstract Gheorghe Ștefan Liteanu was an atypical general because he is one of the few Romanian military personnel who did not participate in his entire military career, on the front, in the Campaigns of 1913, 1916-1919 and 1941-1945. However, during a 31-year military career he was awarded an impressive number of Romanian … Citeşte mai mult

Russia’s Vision of the European Green Pact. A perfidious protectionism or opportunities for collaboration?

The current paper provides an analysis of the European Green Deal on the territory of the Russian Federation. The development of relations between the European Union and Russia throughout the green transition has a significant impact on global prospects for deep decarbonization. Russia is the world’s leading exporter of fossil fuels (coal, oil, and natural gas), as well as a major supplier of hydrocarbons and carbon-intensive goods to the European Union. This paper will demonstrate that the European Union cannot simply replace these imports with primary goods from other countries, and that Russia is not motivated to cut GHG emissions unless the European Union provides extra incentives.

The Threat of Algorithmic Populism: Intelligence Strategies for Safeguarding Democracy

The digital age has facilitated unprecedented transformations in communication, reshaping the way political discourse and influence manifest in democratic societies. Among these transformations, algorithmic populism emerges as a significant phenomenon. This concept, defined by the interaction between political actors, online activism, and algorithm-driven amplification, highlights how extremist or populist political messages gain traction in the digital ecosystem. By analysing this dynamic through the lens of intelligence studies, we have tried to identify the risks posed by algorithmic populism to democratic systems and propose strategies to mitigate its impact. The need for intelligence agencies to address these risks is clear, as they represent not only political but also existential threats to the democratic order.

Cognitive Hegemony: The True Objective of Russia’s New Active Measures

The array of traditional Soviet destabilization tactics has taken on new forms under Putin’s leadership. Russia’s current commitment to continuing the Soviet-era strategy of ”active measures” in more subtle and insidious ways remains crucial to its foreign policy. A destabilized West is less likely to focus on Moscow’s political and geopolitical transgressions or its military adventurism, which openly defies the liberal international order. This article will analyse the covert aspects of Russia’s political warfare aimed at undermining Western stability.

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