Minighid de pregătire și protecție contrainformativă
Tănase, Tiberiu (2022), Minighid de pregătire și protecție contrainformativă, Intelligence Info, 2:1, 130-132, https://www.intelligenceinfo.org/minighid-de-pregatire-si-protectie-contrainformativa/ Counterintelligence preparation and protection mini-guide Abstract Most people claim to know what information is. However, we have not reached a delimitation, a specification of the content of information, so that it can be standardized and conceptualized, because the concept presents a mental image, an elaboration of thought that fixes a unique content, capable of being understood, assimilated and identically reproduced. Book review: Buștiuc, Florin (2020). … Citeşte mai mult