Operațiunile de tip COIN. Studiu de caz Afganistan
Ostahie, Traian (2024), Operațiunile de tip COIN. Studiu de caz Afganistan, Intelligence Info, 3:4, 105-117, https://www.intelligenceinfo.org/operatiunile-de-tip-coin-studiu-de-caz-afganistan/ COIN Operations. Afghanistan Case Study Abstract The international security environment is rapidly changing. Globalization is the main phenomenon that influences the contemporary security environment, creating new risks and threats. International terrorism, structured in cross-border networks, represents the most serious threat to people’s lives and freedom, to democracy and other fundamental values on which the democratic community of the Euro-Atlantic states is based. International … Citeşte mai mult
Terorismul cibernetic: o formă contemporană de terorism
Silaghi, Dalia Elena (2023), Terorismul cibernetic: o formă contemporană de terorism, Intelligence Info, 2:1, https://www.intelligenceinfo.org/terorismul-cibernetic-o-forma-contemporana-de-terorism/ Cyber Terrorism: A Contemporary Form of Terrorism Abstract In this article I will highlight some definitions, characteristics and possible motivations of a relatively recent concept, cyber terrorism, which manifests itself more and more frequently and with much more destructive implications as information technology develops. Known as a space without borders, the cyber environment has acquired a more complex dimension in recent decades, in the … Citeşte mai mult
Transformarea mediului internațional de securitate după 11 septembrie 2001
Cristian, Alexandru (2022), Transformarea mediului internațional de securitate după 11 septembrie 2001, Intelligence Info, 2:1, 111-119, https://www.intelligenceinfo.org/transformarea-mediului-international-de-securitate-dupa-11-septembrie-2001/ The transformation of the international security environment after September 11, 2001 Abstract The main consequences of globalization on international security are endemic insecurity and asymmetric threats. Endemic insecurity is the permanent presence of a threat, and asymmetric threats, the lack of effective security in the face of a threat with a difficult to define character. A classic example of an asymmetric threat … Citeşte mai mult