Epistemologia activității de intelligence
Sfetcu, Nicolae (2023), Epistemologia activității de intelligence, Intelligence Info, 2:2, 3-10, DOI: 10.58679/II34081, https://www.intelligenceinfo.org/epistemologia-activitatii-de-intelligence/ Epistemology of intelligence Abstract In intelligence, epistemology is the study of threat knowledge and how threat is understood in the field of intelligence analysis. Most definitions of intelligence activity do not take into account the fact that the normative epistemic status of the analyzed information is knowledge and not an inferior alternative. The counter-arguments to the epistemological status of intelligence activity are their action-oriented purpose, … Citeşte mai mult
Rolul cunoașterii tacite a lui Polanyi în analiza informațiilor
Sfetcu, Nicolae (2024), Rolul cunoașterii tacite a lui Polanyi în analiza informațiilor, Intelligence Info, 3:3, 3-10, DOI: 10.58679/II42103, https://www.intelligenceinfo.org/rolul-cunoasterii-tacite-a-lui-polanyi-in-analiza-informatiilor/ The Role of Polanyi’s Tacit Knowledge in Intelligence Analysis Abstract Intelligence analysis, a field that requires the synthesis and interpretation of large amounts of data to make informed decisions, is inherently complex. It involves more than explicit data processing; it also requires the application of tacit knowledge—an often underappreciated but crucial component of effective analysis. Michael Polanyi, a philosopher of … Citeşte mai mult
Rolul serviciilor de informații în război
Sfetcu, Nicolae (2023), Rolul serviciilor de informații în război, Intelligence Info, 2:3, 3-10, DOI: 10.58679/II17257, https://www.intelligenceinfo.org/rolul-serviciilor-de-informatii-in-razboi/ The role of the intelligence agencies in a war Abstract The intelligence services play a crucial role in any war, often serving as the unseen force that can tip the scales in favor of victory or defeat. They provide military decision makers with essential information and insights, enabling them to understand the enemy, to plan strategic operations, and make informed choices on the … Citeşte mai mult