Epistemologia activității de intelligence
Sfetcu, Nicolae (2023), Epistemologia activității de intelligence, Intelligence Info, 2:2, 3-10, DOI: 10.58679/II34081, https://www.intelligenceinfo.org/epistemologia-activitatii-de-intelligence/ Epistemology of intelligence Abstract In intelligence, epistemology is the study of threat knowledge and how threat is understood in the field of intelligence analysis. Most definitions of intelligence activity do not take into account the fact that the normative epistemic status of the analyzed information is knowledge and not an inferior alternative. The counter-arguments to the epistemological status of intelligence activity are their action-oriented purpose, … Citeşte mai mult
Ontologia amenințărilor la securitatea națională
Sfetcu, Nicolae (2024), Ontologia amenințărilor la securitatea națională, Intelligence Info, 3:4, 3-12, DOI: 10.58679/II89169, https://www.intelligenceinfo.org/ontologia-amenintarilor-la-securitatea-nationala/ Ontology of National Security Threats Abstract The ontology of threats to national security is a critical area of study in political science, security studies, and philosophy. It explores the essence, nature and classifications of threats that challenge the integrity and stability of nations. In national security, the ontological problem concerns the nature and characteristics of the entities that threaten and are threatened. This article examines … Citeşte mai mult
Transformarea mediului internațional de securitate după 11 septembrie 2001
Cristian, Alexandru (2022), Transformarea mediului internațional de securitate după 11 septembrie 2001, Intelligence Info, 2:1, 111-119, https://www.intelligenceinfo.org/transformarea-mediului-international-de-securitate-dupa-11-septembrie-2001/ The transformation of the international security environment after September 11, 2001 Abstract The main consequences of globalization on international security are endemic insecurity and asymmetric threats. Endemic insecurity is the permanent presence of a threat, and asymmetric threats, the lack of effective security in the face of a threat with a difficult to define character. A classic example of an asymmetric threat … Citeşte mai mult