Cicatrizarea prin memorie. Despre necesitatea întemeierii unui muzeu al geopoliticii
Petre, Silviu-Valentin (2024), Cicatrizarea prin memorie. Despre necesitatea întemeierii unui muzeu al geopoliticii, Intelligence Info, 3:2, 93-104, https://www.intelligenceinfo.org/cicatrizarea-prin-memorie-despre-necesitatea-intemeierii-unui-muzeu-al-geopoliticii/ Healing through memory. About the need to establish a museum of geopolitics Abstract Despite being one of the most employed words in the international relations literature as well as în the common punditry, and also dragging a still controversial legacy, geopolitics has been spared of having a museum of its own. In order to mend this perceived shortcoming, this article argues … Citeşte mai mult