Comunitatea informativă rusă
Tiberiu, Tănase (2024), Comunitatea informativă rusă, Intelligence Info, 3:2, 32-50, Russian Intelligence Community Abstract The services and structures that form the information community of a state represent a constitutive part of the democratic power, and the role of a performing information community is that of protecting the nation, the collective and the individuals that make it up against internal and external threats. This implies obtaining an informational flow necessary for the foundation of a certain vision of the … Citeşte mai mult
Controlul democratic al serviciilor de informații. Studiu de caz: Belgia
Țolea, Oana-Melisa (2024), Controlul democratic al serviciilor de informații. Studiu de caz: Belgia, Intelligence Info, 3:2, 73-82, Democratic Control of Intelligence Services. Case Study: Belgium Abstract This text examines democratic control of intelligence services, with a focus on the case study of Belgium. Starting with defining intelligence and its role in national security, the text reviews the evolution of democratic control over these services, both in the USA and Europe, highlighting changes driven by events such as scandals … Citeşte mai mult
Implementarea inteligenței artificiale în securitatea națională
Sfetcu, Nicolae (2024), Implementarea inteligenței artificiale în securitatea națională, Intelligence Info, 3:2, 123-133, DOI: 10.58679/ii53011, Implementing Artificial Intelligence in National Security Abstract The implementation of artificial intelligence in national security addresses various critical issues, including defense capability development, cybersecurity, intelligence analysis, and ethical considerations. This essay explores the multiple implications of integrating artificial intelligence technologies into national security frameworks, focusing on benefits, implementation strategies, challenges, and ethical concerns. Keywords: intelligence services, national security, artificial intelligence, AI technologies, ethics … Citeşte mai mult
Intelligence-ul românesc de la tradiție la modernitate
Tiberiu, Tănase (2024), Intelligence-ul românesc de la tradiție la modernitate, Intelligence Info, 3:2, 83-92, Romanian intelligence from tradition to modernity Abstract Intelligence’s existence is lost in the mists of time, and it can be said that it is as eternal as humanity, its existence going in parallel with the development of armies and their needs to have the most accurate information from the enemy’s territory. The Organic Regulation, which is the first unitary law for the Principalities of … Citeşte mai mult
Orientul Mijlociu în vâltoarea războiului informațional al C.I.A.
Barbu, Alida Monica Doriana (2024), Orientul Mijlociu în vâltoarea războiului informațional al C.I.A., Intelligence Info, 3:2, 105-122, The Middle East in the Whirlwind of the C.I.A.’s Information War Abstract The combination of „classic” military actions with „asymmetric” ones, the transformation of the armed struggle caused by technologies and the weapons used serve the multidimensional character of the current war, carried out in all environments: land, air, maritime, cosmic, informational. Holding control of the information environment is the area’s … Citeşte mai mult
Principii, metode și mijloace ale activității informative în statele euroatlantice
Tiberiu, Tănase (2024), Principii, metode și mijloace ale activității informative în statele euroatlantice, Intelligence Info, 3:2, 51-72, Principles, methods and means of intelligence activity in the Euro-Atlantic states Abstract The intelligence activity of the United States provides the President and the National Security Council with the necessary information, on the basis of which decisions can/will be made regarding the conduct and development of foreign, defense and economic policy, as well as the protection of the national interests of … Citeşte mai mult
Provocarea globală de război electronic în 2024: Principalii jucători
Sfetcu, Nicolae (2024), Provocarea globală de război electronic în 2024: Principalii jucători, Intelligence Info, 3:2, 3-18, DOI: 10.58679/II50473, The Global Electronic Warfare Challenge in 2024: The Major Players Abstract Geopolitical tensions and regional conflicts have intensified the race for electronic warfare supremacy. Nations perceive EW capabilities as force multipliers, providing strategic advantages in contested regions and deterring potential adversaries. The development and deployment of EW technologies are closely related to broader strategic goals that reflect each entity’s geopolitical … Citeşte mai mult
Relația războiului electronic cu alte capacități de luptă
Sfetcu, Nicolae (2024), Relația războiului electronic cu alte capacități de luptă, Intelligence Info, 3:2, 19-31, DOI: 10.58679/II70713, The relationship of electronic warfare to other combat capabilities Abstract In modern warfare, the landscape is rapidly evolving, with technological advances shaping the nature of conflict. Among these advances, electronic warfare is emerging as an essential field, playing a crucial role in shaping the outcomes of battles. In the last century, and especially in the second half, electronic warfare joined other … Citeşte mai mult