Istoria reală a proiectului Romteleghid: 1 – Agresiunea geofizică
Cozma, Lucian Ștefan; Golea, Daniela Georgiana (2024), Istoria reală a proiectului Romteleghid: 1 – Agresiunea geofizică, Intelligence Info, 3:3, 65-93, The Real History of the Romteleghid Project: 1 – Geophysical Aggression Abstract The whole story began during the First World War, through the research carried out by Constantin Văideanu (not to be confused with the inventor Nicolae Văideanu, who had important inventive works in the field of aerospace propulsion, but who lived and acted in another era). The … Citeşte mai mult
Istoria reală a proiectului Romteleghid: 2 – Arma geofizică
Cozma, Lucian Ștefan; Golea, Daniela Georgiana (2024), Istoria reală a proiectului Romteleghid: 2 – Arma geofizică, Intelligence Info, 3:4, 29-44, The Real History of the Romteleghid Project: 2 – Geophysical weapon Abstract Modern geophysical weaponry has a series of operating principles that must be taken into account in order to correctly design and optimize technical and tactical performance. This article will present these principles emphasizing their importance where appropriate. Keywords: Romteleghid, geophysical weapon, geophysical aggression, technology, functioning Rezumat … Citeşte mai mult