Revista Intelligence Info, Volumul 2, Numărul 1, Martie 2023
Nevoia de adaptare managerială a noilor probleme de securitate modernă

Golea, Daniela Georgiana; Coșa, Oana Ștefania (2023), Nevoia de adaptare managerială a noilor probleme de securitate modernă, Intelligence Info, 2:1, 181-188, The need for managerial adaptation to new modern security issues Abstract The complexity of the current scene of international relations and the emergence or amplification of secessionist tendencies in the European Union itself, along with the reawakening or revival of frozen conflicts and a real revival of the Cold War, all of these have generally made analyzing and … Citeşte mai mult

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Revista Intelligence Info, Volumul 2, Numărul 4, Decembrie 2023
Un nou mediu de securitate

Cristian, Alexandru (2023), “Un nou mediu de securitate”, Intelligence Info, 2:4, 73-77, A new security environment Abstract Security philosophy is an interpretation and a conceptualization of the events that happen at the level of the international system. Some specialists propose an inter-paradigmatic development of international security. The way to better understand the world is through theoretical pluralism, paradigmatic eclecticism, and philosophical understanding of global mechanisms. After the implosion of the bipolar system, of the bicephalic hegemony, the world became … Citeşte mai mult

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