Revista Intelligence Info, Volumul 2, Numărul 1, Martie 2023
Rolul structurilor de intelligence medical în atingerea obiectivului de consolidare a sistemului de sănătate

Coșa, Oana Ștefania (2023), Rolul structurilor de intelligence medical în atingerea obiectivul de consolidare a sistemului de sănătate, Intelligence Info, 2:1, 194-208,   The role of medical intelligence structures in achieving the objective of strengthening the health system Abstract At the international level, the challenges of overcoming the stage of a fragile „developing” economy, deficient health systems, disproportionate unemployment rates, underfunded and pandemics, earthquakes, floods, heat waves, volcanic eruptions, etc., dysfunctional financial systems, unable to support the efforts of … Citeşte mai mult

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