“Descurajarea integrată”. Analiză asupra strategiei SUA în Pacific
Gorgovan, Ionuț-Daniel (2023), “Descurajarea integrată”. Analiză asupra strategiei SUA în Pacific, Intelligence Info, 2:4, 39-53, https://www.intelligenceinfo.org/descurajarea-integrata-analiza-asupra-strategiei-sua-in-pacific/ „Integrated deterrence”. Analysis of US Pacific Strategy Abstract In the past decade, Sino-American relations have gone through a series of complex challenges, which have influenced not only the two countries, but also the entire international community. These relations have evolved from pragmatic economic cooperation to overt strategic competition. The emergence of points of conflict in areas such as international trade, advanced technology, human … Citeşte mai mult

Abordări generale ale conceptului de cultură de securitate
Ostahie, Traian (2022), Abordări generale ale conceptului de cultură de securitate, Intelligence Info, 2:1, 137-147, https://www.intelligenceinfo.org/abordari-generale-ale-conceptului-de-cultura-de-securitate/ General approaches to the concept of security culture Abstract The term „security” comes from the Latin securitas-securitatis and represents „the fact of being safe from any danger; the feeling of security that the absence of any danger gives one”. Security also means „protection, defense”. Security is, in principle, that state of affairs that shelters any community or state from any external and internal … Citeşte mai mult

Activitatea de intelligence – Ciclul intelligence
Sfetcu, Nicolae (2023), Activitatea de intelligence – Ciclul intelligence, Intelligence Info, 2:1, 34-40, DOI: 10.58679/II18551, https://www.intelligenceinfo.org/activitatea-de-intelligence-ciclul-intelligence/ Intelligence Activity – Intelligence Cycle Abstract David Singer states that the threat is currently the primary focus of intelligence agencies. Intelligence can be thought of as the process by which certain types of information are requested, collected, analyzed and disseminated, and how certain types of covert actions are designed and carried out. The intelligence cycle is a set of processes used to provide … Citeşte mai mult

Adevăr și dezinformare în fenomenul OZN
Farcaș, Dan D. (2023), Adevăr și dezinformare în fenomenul OZN, Intelligence Info, 2:3, 82-121, https://www.intelligenceinfo.org/adevar-si-dezinformare-in-fenomenul-ozn/ Truth and disinformation in the UFO phenomenon Abstract Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena (UAP/UFO) do exist. The military has been permanently interested in them for the last 80 years, to see if they are a technological advance of the adversary, but also to try to reproduce the observed performances. This interest was secret. So the intelligence community was involved, including through institutionalized disinformation actions, targeting both … Citeşte mai mult

Alexandru Ioan Cuza, fondatorul Intelligence-lui statului modern românesc
Tănase, Tiberiu (2023), Alexandru Ioan Cuza, fondatorul Intelligence-lui statului modern românesc, Intelligence Info, 2:1, 84-91, https://www.intelligenceinfo.org/alexandru-ioan-cuza-fondatorul-intelligence-lui-statului-modern-romanesc/ Alexandru Ioan Cuza, Founder of the Intelligence of the Modern Romanian State Abstract The Intelligence System created by Alexandru Ioan Cuza had all the components of modern structures for collecting, processing and transmitting information, carrying out activities specific to the work with the agency. It had the structure of the Telegraph and, later, the Post Office as support for the transmission and centralization … Citeşte mai mult

Analysis of cyber attacks such as APT (Advanced Persistent Threat) and ransomware
Ferenț, Darius-Antoniu (2022), Analysis of cyber attacks such as APT (Advanced Persistent Threat) and ransomware, Intelligence Info, 2:1, 173-180, DOI: 10.58679/II70307, https://www.intelligenceinfo.org/analysis-of-cyber-attacks-such-as-apt-advanced-persistent-threat-and-ransomware/ Abstract In the information society, cyber attacks launched upon the information technology infrastructure are increasingly diversified and complex. Cybercriminals or black hat hackers use a wide range of techniques, tactics and procedures to compromise computer systems. APT and ransomware attacks are two cyber security threats that many companies and government institutions face. Ransomware is a medium complexity … Citeşte mai mult

Analysis of the Russian-Chechen conflict from a military perspective
Ferenț, Darius-Antoniu; Manci, Ioan (2023), Analysis of the Russian-Chechen conflict from a military perspective, Intelligence Info, 2:2, 80-92, DOI: 10.58679/II34710, https://www.intelligenceinfo.org/analysis-of-the-russian-chechen-conflict-from-a-military-perspective/ Abstract The Russian-Chechen conflict burst out on September 6th, 1991, when the Chechen Republic proclaimed its independence from the Russian Federation. This action of the Chechens was not recognized by the authorities in Moscow, as it violated the provisions of the Russian Federation’s Constitution. Chechen leader Dudaev took a number of political and social decisions that were not … Citeşte mai mult

Aproape totul despre serviciile secrete ale lumii
Vrâncianu, Loredana (2022), Aproape totul despre serviciile secrete ale lumii, Intelligence Info, 2:1, 17-19, https://www.intelligenceinfo.org/aproape-totul-despre-serviciile-secrete-ale-lumii/ Almost everything about the secret services of the world Abstract Book review: Silviu Leahu, Aproape totul despre serviciile secrete ale lumii, Editura Neverland, 2021 Keywords: intelligence agencies Rezumat Recenzia cărții: Silviu Leahu, Aproape totul despre serviciile secrete ale lumii, Editura Neverland, 2021 Cuvinte cheie: servicii secrete INTELLIGENCE INFO, Volumul 2, Numărul 1, Martie 2023, pp. 17-19 ISSN 2821 – 8159, ISSN – L … Citeşte mai mult

Apusul universalismului european
Achimescu, Lisa-Maria (2023), Apusul universalismului european, Intelligence Info, 2:3, 52-60, https://www.intelligenceinfo.org/apusul-universalismului-european/ The decline of European universalism Abstract The contemporary international system derives and has progressively developed on the skeletal structure provided by the United Nations Charter. This structure starts from a series of values and projections whose value is stated to be universal, i.e. respecting human rights and fundamental freedoms for all, regardless of race, sex, language or religion, guaranteeing international peace and security or developing friendly relations between … Citeşte mai mult

Biroul de Informații al Secției Militare din Transilvania și rolul său în campania pentru apărarea României Mari
Tănase, Tiberiu (2022), Biroul de Informații al Secției Militare din Transilvania și rolul său în campania pentru apărarea României Mari, Intelligence Info, 2:1, 41-48, https://www.intelligenceinfo.org/biroul-de-informatii-al-sectiei-militare-din-transilvania-si-rolul-sau-in-campania-pentru-apararea-romaniei-mari/ The Intelligence Office of the Transylvanian Military Section and its role in the campaign for the defense of Greater Romania Abstract During the first conflagration of the 20th century, the information structures of the Romanian state included the Information Structures of the Ministry of the Interior, – General State Security, the Information Structure of … Citeşte mai mult

Chinese Hegemony in the Production of Rare Earths
Dobrescu, Emilian M. (2023), Chinese Hegemony in Production of Rare Earths, Intelligence Info, 2:3, 61-68, https://www.intelligenceinfo.org/chinese-hegemony-in-the-production-of-rare-earths/ Abstract Until 1948, most of the rare earth elements (REE) were sourced from sand deposits in India and Brazil. Through the 1950s, South Africa took the status as the worlds’ rare earth elements source. Through the last decade of the 21st century and the first decade of this century, the demand of rare earths has constantly increased whereas the prices remained low due … Citeşte mai mult

Conflictul arabo-israelian. Percepții privind cauzele și natura conflictului. Repere istorice și actualitate
Tănase, Tiberiu; Nagâț, Violeta Ioana (2023), Conflictul arabo-israelian. Percepții privind cauzele și natura conflictului. Repere istorice și actualitate, Intelligence Info, 2:4, 54-72, https://www.intelligenceinfo.org/conflictul-arabo-israelian-perceptii-privind-cauzele-si-natura-conflictului-repere-istorice-si-actualitate/ The Arab-Israeli conflict. Perceptions of the causes and nature of conflict. Historical landmarks and current affairs Abstract The Arabs and the Israelis have crossed arms for decades, with breaks of course, over a space of approximately 120,000 km2 (including the Sinai Peninsula and Lebanon). The causes, aims and objectives of military confrontations are both local and … Citeşte mai mult

Conflictul asimetric și consecințele sale în securitatea Asiei
Heler, Paul-Alexandru (2023), Conflictul asimetric și consecințele sale în securitatea Asiei, Intelligence Info, 2:1, 156-166, https://www.intelligenceinfo.org/conflictul-asimetric-si-consecintele-sale-in-securitatea-asiei/ Asymmetric Conflict and Its Consequences in Asian Security Abstract Security is one of the most important aspects when we refer to the elements that ensure the survival and continuity over time of political entities. Thus, the states of the world allocate considerable funds to strengthen and maintain security both at the state level and at the regional and international level. Unconventional war represents … Citeşte mai mult

Confruntarea informațională și repercusiunile sale asupra mediului actual de securitate
Târnăvean, Daria-Maria (2023), Confruntarea informațională și repercusiunile sale asupra mediului actual de securitate, Intelligence Info, 2:1, 167-172, https://www.intelligenceinfo.org/confruntarea-informationala-si-repercusiunile-sale-asupra-mediului-actual-de-securitate/ The Information Confrontation and its Repercussions on the Current Security Environment Abstract In this article I will highlight how digitization has brought society into a new industrial revolution and made technology more accessible, but has created new challenges such as cyberattacks, espionage, terrorism, and cyberwarfare. Additionally, I will highlight the characteristics of cyberwarfare, described as a new form of conflict that … Citeşte mai mult

Considerații privind necesitatea educării și formării resursei umane pentru intelligence–ul național
Tănase, Tiberiu (2022), Considerații privind necesitatea educării și formării resursei umane pentru intelligence–ul național, Intelligence Info, 2:1, 4-16, https://www.intelligenceinfo.org/consideratii-privind-necesitatea-educarii-si-formarii-resursei-umane-pentru-intelligence-ul-national/ Considerations regarding the need to educate and train human resources for national intelligence Abstract All states, including Romania, as well as international and regional defense and security organizations (UN, NATO, EU) require “well-trained” analysts. The proper carrying out of lar intelligence structures also entails efficient and well- trained analysts. This thing works both for Romanian intelligence and its components / … Citeşte mai mult