Distincțiile și activitatea în străinătate a generalului Gheorghe Ștefan Liteanu

Macovei, Remus (2024), Distincțiile și activitatea în străinătate a generalului Gheorghe Ștefan Liteanu, Intelligence Info, 4:1, https://www.intelligenceinfo.org/distinctiile-si-activitatea-in-strainatate-a-generalului-gheorghe-stefan-liteanu/   The distinctions and activity abroad of General Gheorghe Ștefan Liteanu Abstract Gheorghe Ștefan Liteanu was an atypical general because he is one of the few Romanian military personnel who did not participate in his entire military career, on the front, in the Campaigns of 1913, 1916-1919 and 1941-1945. However, during a 31-year military career he was awarded an impressive number of Romanian … Citeşte mai mult

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